Originally posted on April 23, 2021

I recently had an experience that reminded me of the importance of self-care and listening to my intuition. It all started with a feeling in my gut that just wouldn't go away. Something was nagging at me, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

Then, one day, I received a message from the guests at my Airbnb. They were being kept up every night by a woodpecker that was pecking at the tin roof above their bedroom. As a Vermonter, I knew that this was part of the woodpecker's annual mating ritual, but I couldn't help but wonder if there was a deeper message here.

I've always had a special connection with animals, and I knew that when an animal showed up in my life, there was usually a lesson to be learned. So, I decided to look up the symbolism of the woodpecker totem and medicine. What I discovered was nothing short of transformative.

The woodpecker stands for strength, opportunity, wisdom, resilience, kindness, and determination. It never gives up and sees the value in everything, even a dead tree. If it didn't keep hammering, it would never reach its goal.

As I reflected on the woodpecker's message, I realized that it was time for me to make a change in my wellness coaching business. I had been considering retiring my popular Awesome-Up! Challenge, but I was hesitant to let go of something I had put so much time and energy into. However, the woodpecker's message of resilience and determination gave me the push I needed to move on and try something new.

This experience reminded me of the importance of self-care and listening to my inner voice. When we take the time to tune in to our intuition, we can discover powerful messages that can guide us towards a more fulfilling life. For me, self-care takes many forms, from daily yoga and meditation practices to seeking out the guidance of a coach or mentor.

Incorporating self-care practices into my daily routine helps me cultivate the resilience and determination I need to reach my goals, just like the woodpecker. Whether it's taking a walk in nature or simply taking time to read a book, self-care helps me stay grounded and centered amidst the chaos of everyday life.

In conclusion, the woodpecker's message of resilience and determination is a powerful reminder that even when things seem hopeless, there is always a way forward. By taking care of ourselves and tuning in to our intuition, we can discover the opportunities and wisdom we need to create a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Natalie JonesComment